Course Curriculum

Designed, Developed & Taught Specifically by hand holding to help you
understand, analyze & be able to apply it in order to achieve their stock market literacy. keeping into consideration your level of understanding

A Step-By-Step Roadmap

Laying the Foundations:

Stock Market Basics

  • Market Timings
  • Equity
  • Commodity Market
  • Stock Exchange
  • SEBI
  • Dividend
  • Bonus Issue
  • Stock Split or Share Split
  • Buyback of Shares
  • Calculation of Volume & Turnover
  • Initial Public Offering – IPO
  • Market Classification
  • Commonly used Terms 
  • Short Sell

Market Symphony Analysis

Introduction to Technical Analysis Basics

  • Candlestick Origin
  • Candlestick Components
  • Types of candlesticks
  • Marubozu
  • Engulfing Pattern
  • Chart Structure
  • Bullish Structure
  • Bearish Structure
  • Sideways Market

Profit Paradox Strategy

Technical Analysis Advanced

  • Candlestick chart patterns
  • Price Action
  • Plotting Stop loss, target
  • Demand Supply 
  • Steps To Analyze Charts Using The Science of Demand & Supply

101 Fundamentals & Techniques

Mastering Futures & Derivatives

  • Derivatives Market – Introduction.
  • Rules for Derivatives market.
  • Futures Market.
  • How Futures Market work ?
  • Commonly used terms.
  • Leverage.
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Futures trading.

Options Advantage: Fundamental & Techniques

Options Advantage Basics

  • Introduction to options
  • Call Option
  • Put Option
  • Option Premium Behavior With Stock/Index Price
  • Options Format
  • Strike Price
  • Option Jargons.
  • Moneyness of an Option Contract
  • Formula to calculate option premium at expiry – CE & PE
  • Option Greeks.

Advanced Techniques for Superior Returns

Options Trading Advanced Elite

  • Introduction to Option Selling
  • Selling/Writing a Call Option.
  • Selling/Writing a Put Option.
  • A note on Margins.
  • Option buying or Option Selling? Which One Is Better?
  • VIX – Volatility Index

Advanced Strategies for Market Success

Options Trading Genius

  • Introduction to hedging.
  • How Hedging Works ?
  • Options Hedging 
  • Spread Strategies – Bullish
  • Bull Call Spread
  • Bull Put Spread
  • Spread Strategies – Bearish Spread
  • Bear Put Spread
  • Bear Call Spread
  • Neutral Strategies
  • Long Straddle
  • Short Straddle

From Fear to Confidence

Psychology of Profitable Trading

  • Understanding Trading Psychology 
  • Prominent Emotions Faced by Stock Traders
  • How to Curb Emotion-driven Trading Decisions?
  • Behavioral Finance

The Traders Shield

Advanced Risk Management Techniques

  • Trade Planning
  • One- Percent Rule
  • Setting Stop Loss
  • Take Profit Points
  • Expected Return Calculation
  • Downside Put Options
  • Diversify and Hedge
  • The Bottom Line

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The course fee varies  person to person depending upon their  knowledge level as we don’t want to overcharge someone at intermediate level looking to go for advanced level.

Free course demo will give you an idea of what you’ll be learning in this particular course and it will also help us understand better your level if its beginner or intermediate or an advanced looking to master more of your skills.

You’ll be able to recover the invested amount in a short period but that would also depends upon your capital, and we guarantee you knowledge not results as that depends on you & your efforts.

Entire course which is taught will be provided as an e-Book to you with all the formulas and charts for your reference in the future.

We believe in providing you with the utmost quality we do have option for both but we are currently focusing more towards live 1 on 1 training.

You will get a doubt clearing and counselling support for over a period of 6 month from the date of enrolling in course for free.